5 reasons for the master program "Human Rights"
Know Human Rights (Law)
Acquire additional qualifications in the field of law and navigate current topics and challenges.
The "Human Rights" program provides you with comprehensive legal expertise in the field of human rights and shows you how to use the acquired knowledge in practice. You gain an interdisciplinary perspective based on legal competences, which is essential for a career in the field of human rights. During the postgraduate program "Human Rights", you investigate the theory of human rights as well as current challenges and new trends in the field of human rights. Therefore, the master program in Human Rights allows you to specialise in a field that you are passionate about and interested in.
Broaden your expertise
Also suitable for non-lawyers
The university continuing education and training programme in Human Rights provides the opportunity to obtain an MLS degree. Therefore, it is also open to graduates of degree programmes in disciplines other than law. By completing the postgraduate program, you have the opportunity to expand your expertise and discover potential fields of application as well as to acquire a subject-specific qualification. You will receive an introduction into law, on which all other modules are based.
Practice your knowledge
Practice and simulated procedures
The master program links theory and practice, which allows participants to investigate academic and socially relevant issues related to the broad subject area of human rights as well as solutions for dealing with related current challenges. Theoretical course units are complemented by course units taught by practitioners, through which participants acquire essential skills in the field of human rights, such as strategic litigation, advocacy and project management. At the end of the postgraduate program, you have the opportunity to participate in a simulated procedure (law moot court) and take the role of a stakeholder in the field of human rights. This allows you to gain practical experience of solving issues in the field of human rights, using the legal knowledge you acquired. In addition, you have the option of participating in a range of voluntary extra-curricular offers and extracurricular excursions.
Expand your network
Your lecturers in the master program are experienced academics, judges, diplomats and practitioners. You will not only benefit from their vast expert knowledge and practical experience but you will also have the opportunity to become involved in the human rights community. Due to the high student-teacher ratio, you will have the opportunity of personal exchange with your lecturers during the course units. Furthermore, as a graduate, you will benefit from the exchange with international colleagues who you got to know during your studies. As part of the alumni network you can further maintain and establish contacts.
Enjoy an international experience in the city of Vienna
International and liveable place to study
The postgraduate program "Human Rights" is held in Vienna as an on-site program with face-to-face teaching supported by digital tools, and with lecturers and participants from all over the world. The city of Vienna is not only home to the oldest and largest university in the German-speaking world, but it is also one of the world’s most liveable cities. In addition, Vienna is home to a wide range of international organisations, such as the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the United Nations, and offers a rich cultural life. Therefore, Vienna as a "city of human rights" is ideal for thoroughly investigating human rights and offers a variety of opportunities to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.